Useful Information about Grambella Residence
- Rethymno old town (11 km)
- Chania Airport (75 km)
- Heraklion Airport (75 km)
- Closest beach (700m)
- Traditional tavern (700 m)
- Supermarkets (1 km)
- Hospital (11 km)
- Pharmacy (1 km)
- Bars / Night clubs (5 km)
- Bank / ATM (5 km)
Important Telephone Numbers
Local numbers:
If you are calling or sending a message to a local number from a non-Greek mobile phone, you will need to dial 0030 before the number.
Chara Zaravinou (owner) +2831071597
Ambulance: 166
Fire Service: 199
Police: 100
Tourist Police: 171
European emergency number: 112
Hospitals: Chania: 0030 28210 22000
Rethymno: 0030 28310 87100
Heraklion: 0030 2810 392111
Airports: Heraklion International Airport: 0030 2810 397129
Chania International Airport: 0030 28210 83800
Bus Service (KTEL): 0030 28310 22212
Taxis: 0030 28310 35000 (Rethymno)
0030 28310 22316 (Rethymno)
0030 28310 56678 (Rethymno) - (for people with disabilities)
0030 28310 25000 (Rethymno)
003028310 24316 (Rethymno)
Chania - Grambella
Herakleion - Grambella
Coordinates: 35.376225, 24.580887